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/ PC-SIG: World of Education / PC-SiG's World of Education.iso / updates / disk2101.zip

Archives (5)
NameFormat# FilesSizeDate
CGART02.COM PMarc SFX Archive 101 34KB 1990-02-01
CGIMG02.COM PMarc SFX Archive 101 40KB 1990-02-01
CGMAC02.COM PMarc SFX Archive 3 32KB 1990-02-01
CGMSP02.COM PMarc SFX Archive 101 36KB 1990-02-01
CGPCX02.COM PMarc SFX Archive 101 40KB 1990-02-01

Images (1)

Text (7)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
COMFILE.DOC Text File 21 742b 1990-01-21
FILE2101.TXT Text File 29 2KB 1990-03-26
GO.BAT DOS Batch File 5 38b 1987-06-25
GO.TXT Text File 20 1KB 1990-03-28
NUPSHOP.DOC Text File 7 347b 1989-12-29
OLDPMAS.DOC Text File 9 358b 1990-01-21
README.TXT Text File 22 919b 1989-12-13

Other Files (6)
GRPM02.SDR PrintMaster Shape Names 2KB 1989-06-03
-------.- Unknown 1b 1990-01-21
-------.-- Unknown 1b 1990-01-21
-------.--- Unknown 1b 1990-01-21
GRPS02.DAT Unknown 57KB 1980-01-01
GRPS02.NAM Unknown 2KB 1980-01-01